Where Jungle Meets City; A St. Vrain Wedding

Matt & Shanae

The St. Vrain

October 6, 2018

“There it is!” They smiled as they pointed to the very table they met at, sitting down at the same cafe to talk wedding details. He was a banker at the local Capital One Cafe, where she was a frequent customer for her real estate investment business. She caught his eye every time she came in, with her long auburn hair + striking green eyes–he couldn’t handle not knowing her any longer + set up a fake business meeting. 

They had a connection right away, Matt’s initial spark turning into a deep respect for a powerful, compassionate woman; Shanae falling for Matt’s quiet concern + kind heart.

Their wedding was the culmination of a bewildered, lush-green forest, prevailing + full of life, with the stunning sturdiness of an urban setting. It reflected who Matt + Shanae are as a couple beautifully.

The getting ready suites were full of energy, everyone equally excited for the marriage about to unfold.

{the first look}



Everything was set + guests cozied up, escaping the gloom + entering an enchanted city forest, twinkle lights illuminating the way to the altar.

{mr. & mrs. klieforth}



Back at the St. Vrain, dinner was served, toasts made, and the dancing began.


The night couldn’t end without Shanae’s dad, a father of five girls, having his moment to Britney Spears’ “Hit Me Baby One More Time”.


Matt + Shanae ran through their magical sparkler exit, dreaming of the weeks to come at their over-water hut in Bora Bora. Congratulations to the Klieforths!


–Em & Alan

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